Filmmaker Kiran Rao says her actor-filmmaker husband Aamir Khan supported her to present Anand Gandhi's directorial "Ship Of Theseus".
"Aamir saw the film and he really liked it. He said nurture this film and give it a special release. I took advice from Aamir, but he was like an outside supporter. He said, 'take care of this film'," Kiran told reporters during the first-look launch of "Ship Of Theseus".
Kiran has no long-term plan to start a separate production house.
"I don't have a production house, but I want to be involved with this film in a good way. I have no long-term plans to start a production house. I am still very much with Aamir Khan Productions," she said.
To be distributed by UTV Motion Pictures, "Ship Of Theseus" is slated to release July 19. It has travelled to various film festivals.
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