The 66th International Film Festival at Cannes has kicked off amidst stormy weather and Indian personalities are already making their presence felt here. The ceremony was declared open by Amitabh Bachchan and Leonardo D’Caprio. The festival is paying tribute to 100 years of Indian cinema this year. Bachchan delivered his address in pure Hindi when he talked about the journey of Indian films over the last 100 years. Indian divas like Vidya Balan, Sonam Kapoor and Frieda Pinto had already walked the red carpet at Cannes. Vidya and Sonam has gone completely desi, wearing not only a saree and a lehenga, but also adding nose rings for good measure. Vidya’s outfit of peach saree by Sabyasachi Mukherjee was complemented by a golden nose ring while the white lace Anamika Khanna saree of Sonam was complemented by a pearl nose ring.
Now, all eyes are on Aishwarya as the former Miss World preparers to walk the red carpet at Cannes. Buzz is that she too will opt for the Indian look this year. According to sources, "She has decided to ditch designer gowns and go completely Indian at Cannes. She will walk the red carpet on May 24 and 25. While Abu-Sandeep, Sabyasachi Mukherjee and Shahab Durazi were shortlisted to provide outfits, she finally decided to stick to Abu-Sandeep. The sari is off-white with chikankari work and antique gold embroidery. The churidar-kurtas are in beige and cream and classic Abu-Sandeep. Instead of choosing her usual dark colours, Ash has gone pastel this year."
Ash had worn a golden yellow saree with heavy gold jewelry for her debut walk on the red carpet in Cannes in 2002. Since 2004, she showed a decided preference for western wear and Elie Saab soon became her designer of choice. However, considering that she has still not lost all her post pregnancy weight, Ash has decided to appear in a saree this year.
Interestingly, it is expected that eighteen month old Aaradhya will accompany her mother on the red carpet. With granddaddy Amitabh at Cannes for Buz Luhrman’s The Great Gatsby where he plays a small role, the Vachchan family is indeed shining at Cannes this year. Sadly, Abhishek will not be able to join Ash and her daughter as he is busy with the shooting of his film Dhoom 3.
Ash is also the brand ambassador of L'Oreal.
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